Gerry Coulter - Chargé D'Affaires
& PR Officer BIKO
+44 (0)7956 374927
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Gerry Coulter
- 6th Dan Renshi Wado-Ryu Karate

3rd Dan Iai-Do,
2nd Dan Okinawan Kobudo

Gerry has trained under most of the top Japanese Wado Ryu instructors, including the Grand Master Ohtsuka,
under whom he trains in Japan. He is registered with Shiomitsu 9th Dan Hanshi's Wado Academy, and BIKO
Gerry trained regularly in Iaido under Danzaki Sensei, 9th Dan Hanshi, and Ohno Morinaga Sensei,
8th Dan Kyoshi Iai, 7th Dan Kyoshi Jodo
at the Kenshukan Dojo in Tokyo. When he was younger, Gerry
has trained in China, Thailand, Korea and Malaysia. Although Gerry is a well respected Wado Ryu Instructor
he still likes to stand in the Line Up and train under Top Masters. He believes he is only as good as his
last Training Session. As well as training with
Shiomitsu Sensei, other non Wado Ryu Masters he has trained with include Tomiyama Sensei, Kanazawa Sensei, The Okinawan Weapons Master Nohara Sensei, and the North Korean Master Soon-Pak.