3rd BIKO UK Open Championships
29th May 2005, Thornbury Leisure Centre, South Gloucestershire

The British Institute of Karate Organisation (BIKO) hosted its third major championships, the United Kingdom Open Karate Championships held on Sunday 29th May 2005, at the Thornbury Leisure Centre, South Gloucestershire. There was a noticeable reduction in competitors compared to last year’s event. This was possibly due to the bank holiday. However, for those who attended which included many new faces, all had an enjoyable day. Teams and supporters travelled from all over England and Wales to make a great setting at the Championships. There were over 200 entries on the day.

The event had four matted areas, which BIKO’s Chief Referee; Dale Gamble ensured the smooth running during day. All the competitors, coaches and spectators must be congratulated for their efforts in attending the event. The crowd were entertained with some spectacular karate. Everybody from children to seniors in the adult heavyweight section performed admirably.

The event started at 9.45am with the kata sections. A demonstration was given at the end of the kata sections of traditional Nunchuku by Gerry Coulter 5th Dan. When this was completed we then proceeded to the kumite sections. There was a slight delay to the start of the kumite sections because the St John’s Ambulance had not arrived. The standard of the fighters once again was very high and the spectators were treated to many exciting techniques.

The organisers thank all the referees, table officials, medics, coaches, competitors and spectators for their continued support for this event and hope to see them again at the next BIKO competition. For further details on joining BIKO why not speak to the Secretary, Alan Beale on 01227 369 212 or 07778 169 212.