BIKO Open Training Course Cambridge 27th January 08

For the first course of the year BIKO invited guest instructor Peter Spanton 8th Dan to take the course.  Sensei Spanton is an elder statesman of karate, in that he was the very first black belt to be graded by the Japanese in the UK.
Over 70 people attended for training, this included children and the most senior instructors including the executive members standing in the line-up.

Sensei Spanton took everybody through basic techniques, followed by pair forms, and kata, with some light free fighting to finish the course.  Those that attended were split into two sections with BIKO chairman Ken Henville assisting Sensei Spanton by keeping an eye on the juniors.

The course was challenging and had senior Dan grades and executive members doing penalty push-ups from mistakes made.  Everybody worked up a good sweat, although the course was demanding everybody enjoyed themselves.

At the end of the course there were some institute upgrades:

Willy Williams – awarded 6th Dan
Ken Henville – awarded 6th Dan Renshi
Gerry Coulter -  awarded 6th Dan Renshi
Kaicho Garth Waldropt – awarded 7th Dan Kyoshi

The upgrades were presented by Sensei Spanton to mark the occasion.

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