Slough training course, Another Success.
Slough on Sunday 26th June 05

BIKO held its 2nd training course for the year in Slough. This was held at the Herschel Sports Centre, Whitby Road, Slough on Sunday 26th June 05. The course instructors on the day were, Kaicho Garth Waldropt 6th Dan, Sensei Peter Ashby 5th Dan, Sensei Gerry Coulter 5th Dan, Sensei John Parkhouse 4th Dan, Sensei Alvin Walters 5th Dan, Nick MacFarren 5th Dan and Sensei Patrick Rault 6th Dan Renshi. Sensei Rault was a guest instructor on the day demonstrating his style, Shorin-Ryu that is an old Okinawan style. Sensei Rault lived in Japan and Okinawa for 15 years, training and teaching karate. He moved to the UK 2 years ago, and now lives in West London, where he teaches karate and Kobudo. Patrick is an International Instructor and now a Full Member of BIKO.

This course generated a lot of interest, and feedback from the event was very positive. There was a good turnout of students, with an impressive representation from the juniors. The session started with a warm up, then basic techniques with kihon. Then the class was split into three sections. The instructors rotated amongst the groups, teaching the students various techniques, defences and counter-attacks. Each group had different instructors demonstrating various techniques from various styles. Those that attended were very impressed with the amount of knowledge and technical ability of the instructors. The course ended with sparring and then a warm down.

A grading followed the training session with students going for 3rd Kyu and black belts, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dans.We are delighted to say that all students passed their grading. Congratulations to John Pickering who passed 3rd Dan. Mark Walters, Selena Waldropt and Nicky Lloyd passed 2nd Dan. Michael Gaffney, Bradley Thompson, Shanai Roach, Antoinette Simms, and Alexandria Walters all passed 1st Dan. Finally, Mark Knowles and Chris Lane passed 3rd Kyu. Once again, well done to them. It is the first time that the panel had no failures.

We would like to see as many people possible attending these events and details of further BIKO dates/events can be found on our website: or for additional information on joining BIKO why not speak to the Secretary, Alan Beale on 01227 369 212 or 07778 169 212.