Test Match Dinner & Dance
Saturday 26th June
Marriott Hotel, Slough.

Higashi's senior squad took part in a special Black Tie evening event organised by BIKO to raise money towards both associations squads. The 5 male and two female team representing BIKO and Higashi was as follows :

Biko Team
  Higashi Team
Leon Walters
Andrew Walters
Wayne Hoyland
Adrian Williams
Phillip Brown
Claire Walters
Particia Brown
  Andy Sanders
Hardeep Samra
Pete Byrne
Andy Kear
Brendon Pearce
Helen Harris
Melissa Lewis

The event was based on three rounds of 7 fights.

Both teams of fighters were introduced to the eagerly awaiting spectators who were seated at their tables which encircled the tatami. The BIKO team included World Champion Leon Walters.

First up was the evergreen Andy Sanders and despite Higashi supporters being as heavily outnumbered as Andy's opponent outweighed him, they soon found their voices once Andy found his range. The rest of the 1st round mostly went Higashi's way winning 5-2 win with Helen and Melissa ensuring victory and Michael Harris encouraging all his squad fighters on.

The next round saw BIKO come out strong to try and stop a 0-2 result and an unbeatable lead for Higashi, all the fights were very close and when Andy Sanders swept Leon Walters with an excellent technique for Sanbon the noise level really started to rise. The fighters gave it their all with both sets of supporters responding with loud applause to both fighters and Leon responding strongly, just edging the best fight of the night.

The round ended 2-2 with BIKO taking it on count-back so the tie was level going into the last round.

During the bouts supporters enjoyed an excellent three course meal and the odd drink!! Higashi's tournament referee Adrian Williams was definitely building up a thirst was noted looking longingly towards Pete Jefferies pint. The BIKO referee Dale Gamble, had driven down from Yorkshire, and was longing for his dinner, however fighters and officials dined seperatly when the fighting was finished.

The final round was really going to the wire as the Higashi squad took an early lead only to see it start to be pulled back by BIKO and it couldn't of been any closer at 3-3 going into the final fight. Both sides were on the edge of their seats as BIKO just won through to take the match overall.

Both squads and coaches were presented with a commerative trophy of the event and received a standing ovation from the audience. The evening then continued with a disco and fund-raising Raffle.

The star prize of a week's holiday in Florida going to (at the time) the soberest man there Adrian Williams, who celebrated accordingly and very quickly in order to catch up the rest of the Higashi table! You can see details of this luxurious holiday villa with it's own swimming pool, that sleeps 8 people, and is available for booking by checking out the advertising section on the BIKO Website : www.bik.org.uk/misc.html

This was the first time BIKO have arranged such an event and hopefully will look to arranging another one next year and will invite the Higashi Team to take part in it again.

This was a very enjoyable night out, and hopefully it will be stronger supported for both the event and the squads who competed. Dispite having 125 people at the event, we failed to raise any substantial funding for the fighters.

Everyone enjoyed the opportunity to compete against different opponents in such an event as well as Leon Walters The World Champion, and Wayne Hoyland a seasoned experienced fighter from BIKO Wales.

Finally a big thank you to The Mariott Hotel Group, who donated 3 Meals for two people to be taken any time this year, as part of the raffle prizes. And finally Garth Walthopt and the organisers for their hard work in arranging the event.