Welsh Open Course

On Sunday 25th March BIKO was invited to hold a Welsh Open Training Course, which was held in the Newcastle Emlyn Sports Centre, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, South Wales. This was organised by Wayne Hoyland, Sekiryu.

On Saturday Sensei Peter Ashby and I Kaicho Garth Waldropt drove down to South Wales via the scenic route (the M4). We arrived at our destination around 8.00pm and were greeted by Wayne Hoyland and his wife Sarah. After organising our sleeping arrangements we had a meal at the Hoylands which was very appetising.

Time slips by so quickly when you are relaxed and remembering that we were losing an hour the following day, we departed to our accommodation which was excellent.
Before the course Wayne took us on a mountainous hike. That certainly raised the heart beat. We then set out to the centre for the course.

We arrived at the centre and there were already student gathering for the course. There were over 60 students, both juniors and seniors who attended the course. Various techniques were taught on the day from basic movements to more advance techniques.

For me it was a most enjoyable training experience and it has now established itself in the BIKO calendar. I would like to thank Wayne for organising the course and hope it goes from strength to strength. This was the first time BIKO held a course in Wales and I hope the first of many.

On the day the course instructors were Sensei Richard Baker 4th Dan, Sensei John Parkhouse 4th Dan, Sensei Wayne Hoyland 4th Dan, Sensei Peter Ashby 5th Dan and Kaicho Garth Waldropt 6th Dan.


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