2nd Test Match Dinner & Dance
Saturday 2
4th June
Marriott Hotel, Slough.

Higashi's senior squad took part in
the second Black Tie evening event organised by BIKO.

The 5 male and two female team representing BIKO and Higashi was as follows :

Biko Team
  Higashi Team
Juan Moreno
Warren De Reuck
Andy Taylor
Adrian Williams
Phillip Brown
Natalie Williams
Fay Wheatley
  Loxley Simmons
Hardeep Samra
Ian Thomson
Gerom Kumedzina
Nirav Panchal
Stacey Pickett
Melissa Lewis

The event was based on three rounds of 7 fights.

It was a great event! No injuries, no blood, no bad feeling and no politics. Just the recipe for a second splendid match with Higashi and BIKO. Two years ago the first event was held and won by Biko by one fight. This time it was Higashi's turn with an excellent result of 10 wins to 8 with three matches drawn.

There were some exciting fights with a couple of 'cliff-hangers', all of which contributed to a smashing atmosphere at an event which demonstrated that Higashi have some great friends in BIKO.

It was shame that a few more people didn't support the evening, as it was down a little on the previous one. However I'm sure the 2008 event will be better attended. Most certainly it's not an event to be missed!

After the fighting there was a presentation made to sensei Peter Spanton, for his long service to karate. He was further thanked by the many senior grades present who had trained under him at some point in their karate career.

There was a further presentation made to Dale Gamble (The BIKO Chief Referee), who qualified as a world referee, and is now representing the UK.

All the fighters received a certificate of participation to reflect the high standard displayed on the evening.

After the match and pleasant meal there was a dance with a late bar, where everybody 'unwound'.

Altogether a most enjoyable evening!

We would like to thank the referee's Robert Philips, Iver Thomas and Maria Kelly-Fursdon all of whom travelled from Bristol to officiate this event.