2013 British Open Karate Championships
on Sunday 13th October 2013

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Once again the British Institute of Karate Organisation (BIKO) had their annual British Open Karate Championships on Sunday 13th October 2013 at the Grundy Leisure Centre in Hertfortshire. It was a rainy start to the cold Sunday morning for the organisers the set up.

The draw`foretold that it was going to be a long day. By 9.40am the spectators were admitted through the doors as the queue meandered right through to the main entrance. At the same time the coaches made their final registration. The competition got under way at 10.15am starting with the kata events. The 400 competitors and their spectators travelled far and wide bringing a fantastic atmosphere to the arena. There were 4 matted which ran smoothly with the help of the referees, some of whom were British and International referees and guided by the watchful eye of Dale Gamble, England and BIKO Chief Referee.

The organisers wish to thank all the Competitors , coaches and spectators for their continued support at this event and hope they continue to do so. They also wish to thank the table officials, referees and the St Johns for been at the competition and hope to see them once again them once more at the next BIKO event. Anyone wishing to join BIKO should ring and speak to Gail Spratley on 01305 778910 or for further details visit our website: www.bik.org.uk

Competition Winners


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Keep checking the BIKO WEBSITE : www.bik.org.uk for the latest news and results.