Junior Competition

17th April 2004

The 1st Junior Karate Test Match.

The Higashi Association invited a junior team from BIKO to their national tournament. This was held at the Rivermead Leisure Centre, Reading, on Sunday 17th April 2004. The event was billed as the junior karate test match, with many waiting in anticipation. The idea of the event was, having a 7 persons team (4 boys and 3 girls), with all members of the team fighting in just one round. However, Higashi, on their home ground proved too strong for BIKO.

Higashi Team was made up of Jordan Spear, Steve Ickland, Padraig O’Hova, Liam Harvey, Amanda Jones, Cath Elliot, and Donna Perry. BIKO Team, Israel Dawkins, Kieren Dawkins, Cameron Nesbeth, Shanai Roach, Alexandra Walters and Alex Bright. The final score was 5-1 to Higashi with one bout drawn. It is hoped, maybe the juniors will have a rematch later in the year at one of BIKO’s events.

This match was a forerunner to the main fundraising event, BIKO vs Higashi, Karate Test Match Black Tie Dinner. This will be held at the posh Marriott Hotel, Langley, Slough, on Sunday 26th June 2004. Watch this space, if the BIKO Seniors Win, it will mean Higashi and BIKO are level in the Test Series, you may well see the veterans out on the mat to decide the overall result of the Test Series.

Who will be victorious? Will it be Higashi? Or will it be BIKO? Are you going to be there to witness this new event concept? Well hurry and get your tickets and come and support your team.

Ring the BIKO Secretary, Alan Beale on 01227 369 212 or 07778 169 212.
So see you there for a great night out.

Finally BIKO would like to thank Simon O’Brien, the Higashi National Squad Coach, for the invite to the tournament and hope it will be the first of many new ventures.

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