Strength In Unity Training Course
on Sunday 11th June 06

RENSHINKAI held its 3rd training course at Brixton Recreation Centre on Sunday 11th June 06.   The course instructors on the day were Kaicho Garth Waldropt 6th Dan, Sensei Lloyd Williams 6th Dan, Sensei Elan Adams 6th Dan, Sensei Willie Williams 5th Dan, and Sensei Alvin Walters 5th Dan.

After a slight confusion over the start time the session started, with a good turnout of students – approximately 60, with an impressive representation from the Pee Wees.  It is encouraging to see the number of new recruits joining up. The session started with a warm up, then basic techniques with kihon. The class was then split into four sections, where the instructors rotated amongst them, teaching the students various moves, defences and counter-attack techniques.

The course was pleased to welcome Leon Walters, the new European Champion, who spent time with each of the groups, demonstrating what they can aspire to by hard work and dedication.  Some of the lucky students had the opportunity to “take on the Champ”!  The course ended with a quick “speed” sparring session and then a warm down session.

A grading followed the training session and six students graded for their 1st Dan black belts. I am delighted to say all students passed their grading. Congratulations to Camille Stewart, Daniel Hong, Harry Steedman, Howard Truong, Ronke Osifeso and Emma Brock. Once again, well done to them.

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