Sunday 7th November 2004

BIKO hosted the 2nd Northern training near Huddersfield on, Sunday 7th November 2004.The event, was an open course for all grades, which was well attended.

Senior BIKO instructors and Executive Members were teaching on the course, these included, Chief Instructor Kaicho Garth Waldropt - 6th Dan, Dale Gamble - 5th Dan, Gerry Coulter - 5th Dan, Nick McFarren - 5th Dan, Colin Hanson - 5th Dan and BIKO Competition Squad Coach Alvin Walters - 5th Dan.

With such a line up of talented instructors covering a very broad spectrum of styles and techniques, this course was more of a workshop, rather then an old fashioned slog!

After a group warm up, the class was split into 3 sections, Juniors, Kyu Grades, and Dan Grades. The different instructors were teaching techniques at various intervals. The techniques taught were geared to the ability of the students in the various sections. The instructors got plenty of positive feedback on the course content, and BIKO hope to open this type of multi style training to others around the country.

The course ended with sparring, which involved the senior grades, course instructors and executive members. It is hoped that next year’s course will grow even bigger and include lots more of the grass roots students, as well as attracting more non BIKO members to share in this type of training.

Following the course, the executive members then formed a grading panel for those wishing to be tested for upgrade. Congratulations to those successful applicants who passed the grading.

BIKO would also like to thank local instructor Colin Hanson for organising this succesful event.

For further details on joining BIKO why not speak to the Secretary, Alan Beale on 01227 369 212 or 07778 169 212 otherwise visit our website,