Cambridge course a success.
on Sunday 4th April 05

BIKO held its 1st annual course for this year in Cambridge,

The course instructors on the day were, Kaicho Garth Waldropt 6th Dan, Sensei Ken Henville 5th Dan, Sensei Peter Ashby 5th Dan, Sensei Dale Gamble 5th Dan, Sensei Gerry Coulter 5th Dan, Sensei Mick Bazylewycz 5th Dan and Sensei Alan Beale 4th Dan.

The format of the course was changed this year. It started with a warm up, then basic techniques with kihon, followed by some pair work. The class was then split into two sections. One group learned Jion kata, with Dale Gamble. The other group learned a kata using the Bo, the kata was Sushi-no-kon possible the most famous Bo kata of
Okinawa, which was taught by Gerry Coulter.

The two kata were taught in a comprehensive way with bunkai explainations. This is a further example of the BIKO commitment to both traditional karate and competition karate.

As with the karate kata, Jion is found in different versions according to the various styles. So to is the Sushi-no-kon Bo kata. BIKO in association with Dento Kobudo Kai have produced an instructional DVD of this kata that is offered for sale by contacting the Seceratary, or via the products page of the BIKO website.

The course ended with sparring and then a warm down. Many students said afterwards that they had enjoyed the course and look forward to the next one.


Keep checking the BIKO WEBSITE : for the latest news and results.