Higashi Competition

3rd March 2007

On Saturday 3rd March BIKO was invited to send  a squad to the Higashi tournament in Reading. The squad members consisted of Natalie Williams, Andrew Taylor, Camille Stewart, Carley Allen and Samantha Allen. Apologies to Samantha because she was entered in the wrong category and could not take part. BIKO's squad manager Colin Hanson was at hand to give assistance to the squad members when needed.

Andrew who competed in the junior section 14 and 15 year olds won the gold medal and showed he was a rising star for the future. In the ladies, Carley was unfortunate because she had to fight Natalie, who was firing on all cylinders in the quarter finals, but it was excellent experience for her. In the finals, Camille had to face Natalie. Natalie showed her vast experience in defeating her. However, this competition served as a much needed practice for our fighters.

We would like to thank Peter Spanton for inviting us to the competition and hope that this will be extended in the future. Building on the success of the BIKO versus Higashi test matches.


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